We never know what can happen after midday.
-Good morning children’s! We’re going know traveling to Japan, for meet たくしる and friends. They are living at Monntiko Satsukan (もんちこさつかん), one magic place in this earth of stand-up sun… Well, たくしる work at “Ie no sushi” (“家のすし”), one restaurant in Tsuikiito’s (ついきいとの) island, it is famous because is the biggest island from もんんちこ and the holly Rìtsuigeeo temple is in the middle of her! Many people are visiting island for pray to the Gods in Rìtsuigeeo and feeling peace of this place… Now, we’re enjoying the mysteries of Takushiru’s life.
-Good morning sum. Ha-ha, today… oh no boku no ga kamisan!My God! I’m late…-Takushiru (たくしる) spoke alone on the bed. Chiara (チアラ), your mother, was cooking something in the kitchen room and takakushi (たかくし), your father, was still sleeping... In exactly thirty minutes the son was already ready, spoke a fast “-Good bye!” with your mother and go out. He has to run, because the last boat of ついきいとの island leave at 9:15 and was already 9:02. -…I hope to arrive in the time… What? It’s snowy in the island? Omoshiroi, funny, it doesn’t snow there in this time of the year, I can’t see very well the Tsuikiito’s Port because have much sun shines here… And…no, I can’t believe! –たくしる arrived in port at 9:13; he bought the ticket and without looking anything else, goes into the boat.
The journey was of 1:00 to 1:30 hours, and the boy knew this region well; all the waterfalls and mountains… The fishes and the birds in that area were uncommon and many places are just like scenes of a book of magic!
-Konnichiwa Takushiru! Ogenki desuka? –Shimaaku (しまあく), one beautiful woman to wearing Kimono came to him and spoke with her eyes in attention to the weather. –Suminasen, sorry… Good morning たくしる! How are you?
- Oh, konnichiwa しまあく, I’m not good because I am late! And you are too. But what are you doing these days? - They spoke a lot during the journey and tried to forget the uncommon weather in the island.
Despite Takushiru’s (たくしるの)family have some persons from Japan; the boy didn’t know much of her language. Anywayしまあく is working at the same restaurant of he and they are friends since たくしる has 15 years old…
When the boat arrived near of the island, they saw that Tsuikiito’s plants were chromed and the all island was cold. They don’t understand and ran to the job with attention in all… They are going fast in the middle of this place and saw that big temple was frozen and the monkeys near of Rìtsuigeeo, holly’s animals for the many people in Japan, were little wilds pigs know. The both ran to the restaurant and saw Hawako(はわこ), a waiter of the place, attending to people with a nametag on her chest saying “Chefu(チェフ)/ (boss)”
-Arigatou Takushiro and Shimaaku… Just in day with more people here, you decide sleep more in the bed. Watashi… af… I was here at 9:30AM and everything were well, until Sr. Kashinnouda had the biggest idea to clean the bathroom for help me, because the persons were arrived here at 10AM and only I was here… I’m exhausted! Well, the big boss Kashinnouda drops his coin down in the drain again... Result, he went to a CTI’s clinic because your hands go out him… and I’m the “chefu”, genki desu!
- Your hands go out him?!? Watashi no san, not again. – たくしる speak scared while is crying- Wakarimasen, I don’t understand, how? He was so young… my friends, we need to go out… Oh no, I remember he is cooking very well…
- Hey-hey-hey control you man! He didn’t dead, he was already in the middle of us. Everything has a good part, and this situation can be good for me, I can work very well until Kashinnouda (かしんのうだ)didn’t go here… after, he certainly go see that I very well in this job and I finally win the Month’s functionary and a promotion too… ha-ha.
- You poor thing はわこ! If you wish that, you only need work very hard in your occupation… You can’t wait a situation like this for show that is good. I can believe. Well, know I and my really friend たくしる go to CTI and you stay here. –しまあく was wearing know one pink sweater while your friend ran desperate around of the room. –We need to go たくしる… stop cry like grill and put your sweater because the weather is crazy today, we can’t mixing with this persons.
たくしる and しまあく go out there at 11:25AM. The CTI’s clinic was near of “家のすし” and we met certainly the way, but the same was like a scary scene. The area was very quiet, some trees of the way were dry and they only can listened a noise of the wind colliding in the trunks of trees…
- Oh, poor Sr. Kashinnouda(かしんのうださん). I can’t believe, I mean…- the boy tried spoke fast while saw in your watch. – All the animals; all the trees; all the weather; we friend はわこ; Kash…しまあく, do you remember of prophesy… I’m afraid of that works! We never…
- Stop! You are very stupid boy. Don’t worry… tuu-ru-ru-ru… about the things, because… たく! RUN…
She got fast Takushiru’s handたくしるの手and ran behind a bush frozen. They saw one very big lion mid snake and one mysterious grill fighting in front of the CTI, the very big animal was speaking stranger works and the mysterious grill was running very fast around the creature for try make a strange circle of flowers in the ground. The friends saw quiet the battle until the grill completes the magic design with help of your powers of tree and water… After, the creature fell in the invisible ground in that circle.
-Hola しみ y たく… ¡Placer en conocerlos en vivo por ahora! Cielos… ni siquiera me presenté, bien hecho, soy Rak Yunarkrifá (ラクユナルクリファ)y vengo de Brumária. Lo esté, Brumária es un país grande pero poco conocido, quedase en… ¿cómo es mismo el nombre que ustedes hablan?… ya veo, quedase en Plutón…
-Nani? I mean, what? Wakarimasen, Brumária didn’t exist… I can’t believe this. First the weather is crazy, in Monntiko Satsukan is swarm and is cold there; second we arrived and saw the plants were chromed; Third the monkeys were little pigs…
-Shimaaku believe in your heart and remember the prophesy, “All will go possible after midday…”. I didn’t understood only this… In Brumária speak Spanish too?
-Por supuesto Takushiru ¡todas las personas hablan Brumanés y Español en Brumária! Y también algunas hablan Inglés, (a)ms, Bálbuc, Italiano y Japonés.
-Wol ¡qué padre! También hablo mucho de Español y un poco de Japonés.- Takushiru said with a strange emotion in your heart.- Oh, and how you met we, I don’t remember you…
-My God! – spoke quickly Shimaaku for yourself.
Rak and he spoke per many minutes, after she opened the C.T.I’s door and they into the hall. Takushiru spoke with one woman something else and she said “-Kashinnouda is in room 238…” he said “-Thank you!” and they walked fast for see the “Ie no sushi’s” boss. While they walked, Shimaaku saw strange symbols in the walls and pay attention in the persons of the place, some they started to show signs of different animals in your bodies…
-The transformation! We need to run. –said ラク.
When the friends arrived in room 238, she opened and after locked very fast the door with the power of one red smoke. Sr. Kashinnouda was on the bed and your hands was on the table, he was sleeping and everything in that place was quiet. Takushiru tried no cry and Shimaaku tried no fight with your friend in the hospital; the Brumárian’s grill repeated the attitude of made a circle in ground, in this situation around Kashinnouda. “-It protects your boss of black magic. Well, I go stay there too in case of my magic not operate well; listen, you need to find a tailor for sew Kashinnouda’s hands… I wish, believe in your heart and felling the magic… The prophesy was correct, some person stole the special oil in your restaurant my friend Tak! Only the power of one tailor can be sew the friendship between the Gods of Rìtsuigeeo and the persons in Japan… we never know what can happen after midday! Tak and Shim receive a tailor’s house map, the magic is always with you!”
The boy got a map with Yunarkrifá and jumped very fast the window and Shimaaku stopped for many minutes near to your boss, she didn’t understood anything. After that Rak spoke, “Shim, get this box, one magic BANDULÍM is inside it! Don’t forgot, use the ばんづりの only in case of danger… go and protect the young Takushiru, I believe in you!”
The friends get out the CTI’s clinic and they are nervous with the trees in the way, they tried to ran but the both don’t can’t, your legs are trembled…
-Man, how the prophesy was correct? I already don’t believe, iie… wakarimasen. And how she met we? You spoke…
-Oh my friend… no, one earthquake… It’s only in your place!
The ground behind Shimaaku began to shaking and she fell at one hole, Takushiru was despair and nervous. After that her friend flying out of the earth and started attack he, they ran for much time… Takushiru made an effort to escape of the fireballs that Shimaaku wildly launched in the air, “-Stupid boy, we never can win again the Rìtsuigeeo’s Good’s friendship… forgot. I am Wakinamúnn(ワキナムンン); I serve Saúrinúmm (サウリヌムム), the fire’s God of the magic temple...” She spoke for 30 minutes so-so and the boy has time to into in one house, in a window of grass he can see her friend… The poor Shim was a strange combination of woman and dragon, the new creature was brown and red, around his body could be seen enormous eyes and one only mouth spoke this words in your starving belly…
The crazy hero たくしる stayed there for many minutes; the house was empty and he fell plus calm… ワキナムンン dropped out of his pocket one blue box while was spoke “…anata wa doko ni imasuka? Tabemono… / …where are you? Eat…”
Despite the creature has many eyes, しまあく was disturbed and can’t control well the monster in your heart… The boy caught the blue box very fast near of one old tree, he knew one magic was inside in this object. It was 12:55P.M but the weather was dark; when たくしる saw the moon it was already red and ワキナムンン spoke “-Well stupid guy, see the big power of my God Saúrinúmmサウリヌムムカミサン… ha-ha-ha. This is the moon of darks angels; or “yà kapoon hoat” in Bálbuc; if you don’t save your brave boss Kashinnouda until 11:45P.M some demons go here in Japan “日本”, and many people go death, ha-ha… You have to ran, we never… kaf kaf…” The weather was sunny again and Shimaaku fells sleeping in hands of your friend.
-Konnichiwa my friend, you come back! Domo arigatou watashi no kamisan, you was posed a demon Wakinamúnn, I had to ran because you was launched some fireballs near of me! But now, thanks for Godness, you are ok.
-はい, yes. We need to run!... Oh, my God, you caught any box?
-いいえ, it’s good Shim, you finally agree with the prophesy. Thanks for Godness!... Yes, I caught your box; I think it open with some music in your heart… I read in those mystics words… Uh, Shimaaku you have to study more the language of Gods!
They continued the journey. Tak and Shim passed in different ways, climbed many mountains and cursed many rivers; they are exhausted and wish to stop for few minutes, but the grill said, “-No we can’t, we should be continue… Tak, take me the map”…
While this Rak Yunarkrifá was writing some news paper in CTI’s clinic with constant attention in Mt. Kashinnouda. After thirty minutes, one strange smoke into the room and made Rak sleep on the chaise; the place was quiet and nobody saw the smoke’s transformation. Mt. Kashinnouda and Rak Yunarkrifá don’t be only inside in that room; Chinnari(ちんなり), another kitchen’s chef of another restaurant in Monntiko Satsukan jumped to the smoke. She was very small and tried to climb to the bed in middle of room, but Kashinnouda expulsed her with your leg.
While this たく and しむ were in the same place, she wish to see and analyze more the map but he disagree and wish to continue the journey… After much time, the boy and the grill were fighting and we ripped the map.
-Takushiru, I can’t believe! The map… you are very stupid boy. -suddenly, the guy felt a strange wind in that place of Shimaaku was, he started to run because he remembered a monster in heart of your friend. –I don’t have more time for talked to you… Feeling the power of ワキナムンン, yes I came back to eliminate you insolent children… Ha-ha-ha!
The hero cursed a シリナアン Holly river and arrived in Rìtsuigeeo (リツイゲエオ)temple very fast, ワキナムンン was behind of his every time and he was desperate… While たくしる prayed in the temple, one brave little pig showed in front of the hero and started to attack ワキナムンン. Taku bravely was behind the holy pillar for see with afraid and emotion the big battle, but a brave little pig spoke with he in your heart… “-この音たく… 音楽が ききます!”/ “- The noise Takushiru… Listen to the music”…
Tak felt a strange wind in your heart; he got afraid by the words of the brave little pig. The animal was very fast but Wakinamúnn was burning the holly forest very fast too, “-Feeling the music my friend, do you can! She can’t control very well the power of the monster… sing one music douzo/ please… ichi ongaku no Nijongo!/ one music in Japanese!”
The hero knows only one music in Japanese, but he don’t thing the harmony with any power for save some person… “-Hai, I know… I rope this harmony save you my friend Shim…” Tak saw your friend behind the monster and started sing.
(Brave heart- Digimon)
-Nigetari akirameru koto wa daremo
Isshun areba dekiru kara arukitsuzukeyou
Isshun areba dekiru kara arukitsuzukeyou
Kimi ni shika dekinai koto ga aru aoi hoshi ni
Hikari ga nakusenu you ni
Hikari ga nakusenu you ni
Tsukame! egaita yume wo
Mamore! daiji na tomo wo
Takumashii jibun ni nareru sa
Shiranai pawaa ga yadoru haato ni hi ga tsuitara
Donna negai mo uso ja nai
Kitto kanau kara...show me your brave heart
Mamore! daiji na tomo wo
Takumashii jibun ni nareru sa
Shiranai pawaa ga yadoru haato ni hi ga tsuitara
Donna negai mo uso ja nai
Kitto kanau kara...show me your brave heart
Hare no hi bakari ja nai kara tama ni
Tsumetai ame mo furu keredo kasa hirogeyou
Tsumetai ame mo furu keredo kasa hirogeyou
Ikikata ni chizu nanka nai kedo dakara jiyuu
Doko e datte yukeru, kimi mo
Doko e datte yukeru, kimi mo
Hashire! kaze yori hayaku
Mezase! sora yori tooku
Atarashii jibun ni aeru sa
Shiranai yuuki ga nemuru haato ni ki ga tsuitara
Mune no naka no doshaburi mo
Kitto yamu kara...show me your brave heart
Mezase! sora yori tooku
Atarashii jibun ni aeru sa
Shiranai yuuki ga nemuru haato ni ki ga tsuitara
Mune no naka no doshaburi mo
Kitto yamu kara...show me your brave heart
Tsukame! mabushii asu wo
Mamore! ai suru hito wo
Takumashii jibun ni nareru sa
Kowase! yowaki na kimi wo
Kuzuse! butsukaru kabe wo
Atsui kodou buki ni naru kara
Believe in your heart!
Mamore! ai suru hito wo
Takumashii jibun ni nareru sa
Kowase! yowaki na kimi wo
Kuzuse! butsukaru kabe wo
Atsui kodou buki ni naru kara
Believe in your heart!
“-ありがとうたくしる! You can liberate Wakinamúnn of Shimaaku, はい… 今僕がはちります / Now I will ran, Rìtsuigeeo it’s now one dangerous place for we… Run wakai/ young hero! Your friend is already save, but the moon of darks angels is in the sky… The magic tailor is living near of this temple!”
Takushiru said a “-Good bye!” for the little pig but Shimaaku don’t listen, because the animal and your friend spoke only for telepathic… After that, Shim and Tak continued the journey and arrived in the house of magic tailor in 30 minutes…
-Konnichiwa Children’s, boku wa Jìng Guõ to iimasu/ my name is Jìng Guõ… Rak Yunarkrifá talked me about your チェフ. Let me thing, oh-oh… you can take my material of sew in one castle near of the big mountain… I think it is in one magic lamp in some place of that castle… I wished to you spend time here for we speak more; but we don’t have time because the moon…”
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, I really know…-Shimaaku was exhausted and stopped there for a few minutes, but Takushiru suddenly jumped the window for find the material of Jìng Guõ, and they were near of the castle’s door in 15 minutes. –Oh my God! This is the biggest castle, finally… Who lives here?
Suddenly the door was open and made a strange noise, similar a scary movie scene. Takushiru was desperate and decide came back for much time, but he saw the moon and spoke alone in your mind “Yes, we can!” After that, they stay into the castle and the door is locket alone.
“-The lamp! We find the lamp my friend! Uh-uh, but the ground is invisible… I think ちんなり lives here… So, where is she? Oh my God…” ―The ground started one earthquake and the boy took your backpack very fast and takes one small souvenir.
-Wakarimasen… a souvenir?!? Tank for Godness –Shim spoke with ironic for her friend –He has a 低いのすし(sushi-small) souvenir…
-One very good chef’s month always have one Sushi-small souvenir in your backpack! –after the guy spoke this, he launched in visible ground the object… and, POFF… The small souvenir transformed in a big fly car. - Stand up my friend, I always believes in my heart… Why you don’t believe me? Ha-ha-ha!
Just like magic trick, they jumped on a big car and escaped of the fireballs and all the possible traps of that place… After 45 minutes Tak and Shim came back to sailor’s house and gave the material for Guõ.
-Finally I’m feeling my power came back of myself! Gracias Tak and Shim, ahora vamos volver al CTI; solo Kashinnouda podrá volver con la amistad qué los Dioses sentían por nosotros, ¿pero además sin manos cómo él lo haría? Adelante, tele transportemos…
-Afff, if you can transport we… why do you don’t speak?!?
-Oh, by the same situation my friend Shimaaku… he-he, does you never speak… Be quiet, we go stay in room 238 in 5 minutes.
ジンググオン, しまあく and たくしる were near to the bed of Kashinnouda. The big boss finally stands up but your eyes didn’t saw well the persons… Suddenly, Chinnari saw the magic tailor and spoke strange works in front of he, after two big hands of sand got Jìng Guõ and he transformed in one statue. “-Oh, Konbanwa Takushiru and Shimaaku, stupid children’s; you poor think! Your friend Rak went to sleep and finally the moon of dark angels is near of Japan, ha-ha-ha-ha! And know, danger Takushiru… Wakinamúnn can be come back…”
The hero feeling a strange emotion in your heart, an uncontrollable wish for kills some persons… “-Shim, got this!!!” The boy lunched the blue box for your friend and suddenly he transformed in one dragon-boy creature and started attack Shimaaku. “- Brave grill, use the magic… inside… plea… douzo, i… iie… I’m Wakinamúnn; do you wish to play with me?”…
While the animal spoke, Rak Yunarkrifá suddenly stand up and started attack the monster while spoke with your new friend “-Shim the box open if you press a red button behind of the water symbol, take the object and star sing, the power of music is with you!” Shimaaku ran very fast for try escape of ちんなり and ワキナムンン; the Brumárian’s grill protected her, but she can’t fight with Chin and Waki for a long time. The grill with the ばんづりの was desperate, when took a good distance of all the persons, she decided catch the magic object and singed one beautiful music of kids in earth of stand―up sun…
(Aisatsu no uta)
- A, I, U, E... Ohayou! / Ka, ki, ku, ke... konnichiwa! / Genkini aisatsu shitemiyou / Asa o kitara, ohayougozaimasu. / Onnaka bekobeko, itadakimasu. / Onaka itsubai, gochisousama. / Genkini gagosena.... Ittekimasu / Tomodachi itsubai, konnichiwa / Syukudai wasurete... gomennasai / Keshigomu karite?... Arigatou / Mata asopoure! Sayounara / Ouchini tsuitara, tadaima! / Papano omoukae, okaerinasai... / Omiyaki moratte, arigatou! / Ashitamo asobuzo!... Oyasuminasai / A. I, U, E... Ohayou! / Ka, ki, ku, ke... Konbanwa! / Genkini aisatsu tanoshiire!!!
Suddenly, one brave little pig arrived near to しまあく; she don’t believed in the power of the prophesy, but know with every situations in that day she believed. The little pig ran to CTI’s clinic with Shimaaku and they saw Jìng Guõ (ジンググオン)return the life. After this, the brave animal said to Shimaaku in your mind “-Arigatou onnanoko! Boku wa Wulkionmú (ウルキオンム)to iimasu… Thank you grill! I saved your friend one time in the forest and know I will save you…” The animal, together Rak and Jìng、 fighter Chinnari and Wakinamúnn… “-Shim, boku wo kikimasu…/ Listen to me… use the power of the holly object, we can’t fight the spire of Waki… He is very strong know, and the moon…”
-I now, the moon of dark angels… Che emozzine! Emotion… -The grill fixed your eyes in those “eyeses” of Wakinamúnn and spoke very seriously with the bandulím in your hand. –Wakinamúnn your time arrived; go out with that corp, it didn’t pretence you… Came back to the poor form of one spire of fire!!! Bandulím power, go!!!!!
-Iie, iie, iie… you can fight me in this time, the power of Saúrinúmm already stopped… Happy? But I am Wakinamúnn, the dragon of mystic fire! …We can’t find me in another time in another place; I will win this game again!
-いいえ、わかりません!No, i can´t believe... i will retourne...
Finally after this, the creature goes out of the guy and Chinnari returned to red smoke and ran to your castle…
So, Jìng Guõ got slow your material for sew the hands of Shimaaku’s and Takushiru’s boss and Rak Yunarkrifá started speak “-Good bye my friends… I need come back to Brumária.” The boy of Monntiko Satsukan said “-Domo arigatou Rak and Jìng… then, I will try no cry.”…
Kashinnouda finally get up to the bed and said “-Domo arigatou onnanohito. Gomennasai, sukoshi dake eigo o Hanasemasu… but, I… don’t remember anata wa! Dare is you?... ”
-Konnichiwa かしん… 私悪く湯なる苦ふぁといいます; watashi wa Brumária syushin desu to eigo o Nihongo to… One day, I wish to spend time in 日本 for meet more this beautiful culture. Oh, I can learning you the English, understand?!
-Hai… to domo arigatou, but Takushiru already try to learn me… but, boku eigo ‘Wakarimasen!’ But I wish to speak more and better one day!
-いいえかしん, good, your English is good! So, continue the practicing… I need to come back my ‘ie”… Watashi wa nemimassu/ I go sleep. I spend o lot of time in this region and I am so-so tired. Gomennasai… arigatou for everything to さようなら!...
-Sayounara Rak, domo arigatou…- all the friends in that place speak like this music and the Brumárian’s girl came back to your country with a mystic teleportation…
After that, all the friends came back to your houses too and Tsuikiito’s Island return everything like this before the adventure. Sr. Kashinnouda got a special oil of make seafood that Chinnari stole and the servers in “家のすし” prepared many delicious foods for the Gods of Rìtsuigeeo… And, of course, every people lives !Happy ever after!
Davi Dumont Farace. ダヴィヅモントファラセ。
Início : 17/06/2011 あさ・・・06月⑰用
Final: 22/06/2011 よる・・・06月22用
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